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Scottish Kennel Club (Aug.) 2006 Critique

What a lovely breed to judge. I don’t think I’ve ever judged hounds with such super temperaments. I fell head over heels for the Deerhound when judging in 1986, my BIS was the beautiful Beardswood Amelia. I can see her now moving around the big ring, 20 years on and the breed is still so delightful to judge.

PD. (4). 1. Cunningham’s, Killoeter Lamlash at Aonachdubh. Big strong boy. Lovely head and neck. Nice feet. Correct backline. Strong hindquarters. Moved very well. I wish we could have had an outside ring. 2. Aird’s, Lyart Yossarian. Very promising youngster. Not as tall as the winner but lots to like about him. He has a lovely head, nice topline and is a very sound mover. 3. Foy’s, Killoeter Laurel in Glenfoyble.

YD. (3). 1. Peach’s, Gentom Oliver Twist to Kilbourne. Very smart hound. Super head and eye. Good length of neck set on good shoulders. Good front and feet. Excellent depth of brisket. Hard firm loin. Super hindquarters finished with a good coat. His movement was very precise with spring and reach. CC. 2. Spencer’s, Gentom Orlando of Talgavar. Litter brother to Oliver. A very good hound. Lovely head, dark eye. Good neck and front. Excellent mover. Would have liked a bit more of him. 3. Samways’, Ghiltan Peregrine Cum Cassacre.

PGD. (5). 1. Morton’s, Rosslyn Lebrel. Good hound of different type. Has a super head and eye. Nice neck and outline. Good hindquarters. Very sound mover but wanted him to put more verve into his movement. 2. Smart’s, Greysteil Loch Ashie. Strong hound. Good head but not overdone. Very good topline. Strong hindquarters. Moved very well. 3. Cunningham’s, Dorrator Nathaniel at Aonachdubh.

LD. (1). 1. Traynor’s, Kenmilltri Jock. Impressive hound. He has a super head, excellent eye shape and colour. Strong neck. Very good front which is so important in any running hound. He has a lovely outline. Good coat and moved very well. In my top three.

OD. (4). 1. Finnett and Harrington’s, Ch. Hyndsight Wind of Change. I’ve seen this hound a few times from the ringside and was never impressed, but judging him I’ve changed my mind. He is a top class boy who would fit into anybody’s kennel. Very sound mover fore and aft. RCC. 2. Peach’s, Greyflax Myth to Kilbourne. A taller hound than winner with a good head. A true masculine hound but not in anyway coarse. Moved very well. 3. Robertson’s, Pyefleet Orator from Terichline.

PB. (4). 1. Traynor’s, Canishurn Zena. What a super puppy she is. Beautiful feminine head and lovely eyes giving that soft gentle expression. She is correct in neck, front and outline. Very sound mover with spring and drive. Will follow her career with interest. BP. 2. Taylor’s, Lyart Yea Verily. Rather immature compared to the winner but I feel she will come on leaps and bounds after reaching her first birthday. One for the future. 3. Rafferty’s, Tartraven Kayholm at Reiversreach.

JB. (1). 1. Peach’s, Pingleholl Ruby at Kilbourne. Excellent hound. Super head and eye. Good length of neck. Nice front and feet. Excellent depth of brisket. Good bend of stifle but not overdone. Moved with purpose. Just lost out on maturity and in a top quality entry everything has to be spot on.

YB. (3). 1. Cartmell’s, Riding the Wind with Cusidh. Lovely young hound. She has a super head, dark eye of correct shape giving that soft expression. Good front and topline. Excellent hindquarters. Very good mover. 2. Cartmell’s, Drawing Down the Moon to Cusidh. Litter sister to the winner she is very similar in every aspect, apart from the Wind has better hindquarters. 3. Wilson’s, Killoeter Kintra.

PGB. (9). 1. Rose’s, Killoeter Kyla. Powerful hound who has a beautiful head. Good strong neck, good front. Very firm body. Strong loin and hindquarters. Moved very well. I bet she could bring down a deer. She might be too strong for some people. 2. Adams’, Hydfron Ula for Zandahar Sh CM. Ula is a feminine version of the winner. She has a super head, good neck and shoulders. Nice depth of chest, finished with good quarters. Moved very precise. 3. Milne and Andrews’, Leoch Eilidh.

LB. (7). 1. Bailey’s, Greyflax a Kind of Magic JW. Excellent hound. Super head and dark eye. Lovely neck and shoulder. True front and feet. Deep brisket and strong loin. Excellent hindquarters. Moves with style. The bitches from this kennel have a certain stamp. RCC. 2. Bailey’s, Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Another from this kennel I thought they were litter sisters but Sunset is a day older. She is a top class hound in her own right. 3. McLuskie’s, Hearthstane Sheil.

OB. (7). 1. Finnett and Heathcote’s, Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait. What a super hound. I’ve never seen her before, but fell for her charms. Excellent head, neck and front. Her eye is perfect giving correct expression. Couldn't fault her topline or angulation. Floated around the ring. CC and BOB. 2. Bailey’s, Greyflax Guinevere. A favourite of mine. This is the third time I’ve judged her. She is now made up. Well deserved. Unlucky to meet winner on such form. 3. McDonald, Martyn and Hindley’s, Rosslyn Mystique.

Charles K Thornton


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